
出会い New Friends

建てたいキャビンのイメージはできたものの、実際に全部自分でやる訳じゃない。家作りはHabitat for Humanityのボランティアと沙耶さんのストローベイルの家作りの手伝いをしたことがくらいだから、ほぼ経験ゼロ。こんなんで自分で建てたいと言うのを相手にしてくれる工務店があるのだろうか。とりあえず、信濃町の工務店をオンラインで調べて、そこで出てきた石田工務店に電話してみた。

その週末信濃町のTresHomesと言う工務店を訪れた。そしてそこにはなんと4人のすごい人が集まってくれていた。一人は電話で話した石田さん、そしてTres Homesの鹿島さん、建築事務所の小林さんと長野で沢山の活動をしている美谷島さん。http://keninternational.net/928b/


Once I had decided what kind of cabin I wanted to build, I needed to find a contractor that was willing to help out a crazy girl like me to self-build with a limited budget. I had volunteered with Habitat for Humanity, and helped build a strawbale house in Japan for a few days, but that was the extent of any kind of building experience I have. I don't even know how to fix a faucet.
Anyway, I wasn't optimistic about any contractor in Japan to be excited about working with me. I looked up some contractors online and called one up. To my surprise, Mr. Ishida, whom I spoke with, was extremely helpful and seemed interested in what I wanted to do.
He told me to come up to Nagano so we can talk in person, so I scheduled to meet him the next weekend. When I arrived, I was surprised again to find 4 people waiting for us. All of them were the head of their businesses, and had gathered because they were interested in hearing about our situation. It was wonderful meeting, where we talked not only about our cabin, but the history of Nojiri and the International community there, and my husband and I's dream about living sustainably, and about how there is a movement where many people are moving in this direction. Ultimately, all of us got very excited about starting this project.
I was so encouraged and happy about this meeting and it made me think about the importance of other people's help and cooperation. As we aim to live sustainably, I am certain that we will continue to rely on many people's help and kindness, and this experience made me feel so optimistic about it all. I hope that one day I can be on the side that is reaching out and helping others, and I hope this cabin building experience will be a step forward in my becoming that kind of person.

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