
外壁工事 Outer wall construction










After days of cutting up boards and painting and drying, we are finally ready to put up (at least part of ) the outer walls. First, we put in thin and long boards on the edge of the walls so that we can put up the cedar shake type boards in nice and straight and rain won't hit the sides of the boards once they are up. (we later discover that these boards had to be thicker, but we will just all on another thick board later).

Next, we nailed in the bottom board. We put in this board so that when the first layer of cedar shake boards go up, you won't be able to see the paper sheets in between the boards. On top of this bottom board, we nailed in the cedar shake boards, leaving about 1cm between the boards. This will be the first layer of the wall.

On top of the first layer, we hammered in another long and thin board so we have a piece of wood to hammer the cedar shake boards into the wall. We put these long boards in every 16cm (we first thought of doing it every 22cm, which is about half the length of the cedar shake, but since we cut it up pretty randomly, some were too short for 22cm, so we went with 16cm). Then we continue with hammering in the cedar shake boards.

Since each board is different in length and color and even in texture, it was a lot of fun putting up the boards randomly and according to our taste. We thought the more random the better so we put in some long ones, and short ones, thick and skinny, dark and light.

Once all the cedar shake boards were up, the end wall looked really cool, and much more interesting than we had imagined. A friend who stopped by said it looks like an art piece and we were really pleased and proud of ourselves. Daisuke and I just stood back and admired the wall over and over, and couldn't stop complimenting ourselves for our 'artistic' work :)

*Many thanks to Mr. Nakamura for lending us his air-gun and air-compressor. This process would take forever without it.


外壁準備 Outer Wall Prep

外壁には廃材の合板を使う。これもまたTres Homesの鹿島さんがいろいろ提案してきて、最終的に合板を使って、シーダーシェイク風に仕立てることになった。シーダーシェイクは米杉板を瓦調に引き裂いたもの。うちは合板を使うということで、名付けてシーダーフェイク!

For the outer walls, we will use the wood boards that we used for the floor, but ones that were thrown out at construction sites as garbage. We thought about different methods on what to use and how to make the outer walls, and finally decided on making the walls with these wooden boards with cedar shake style. Since we aren't actually using cedar, we decided to call our method, cedar-fake.
We cut up the boards into about 45cm lengths and made various length widths. As Daisuke cut up the boards, I painted the boards with oak colored stain. Since we aren't using real cedar, which doesn't need stain because it already has a nice color and is pretty water resistant, we decided to paint the boards. Not painting them may be more ecological, but the boards aren't exactly pretty, and they aren't water resistant so the boards could be susceptible to water damage.
A few days were spent with simply cutting and painting the boards and in the end we had a nice pile. The last picture is how we plan to put together the boards on the wall. The boards we cut up won't be enough to finish all the walls, but we look forward to seeing what it will look like when we put it up.


床の合板 Floor boards

どうやら合格らしい :)

After putting in the insulation, we layed down the wooden boards on top of the wooden joists. The top pictures shows how the boards are made to connect perfectly. It was actually kinda difficult to put these together. When hammering in the left side, the right side comes out, or with just one small section not fitting, the whole darn thing doesn't hammer in. After a few boards, we figured out that putting the board in on a slight angle helps put the board in without getting stuck. Still, some of the boards were slightly bent, and in that case, we just had to use force and hammer the board in as best we could.
In the end, we were able to put in the boards quite nicely, and ChowChow, our dog and the director on-site, can now walk around freely in the house. Plus, we can now bring in our sleeping bags and take naps during break time :)
Daisuke also made the frame for a secret door we are going to make to open up into the floor. I thought it would be useful to have access to the open space under the house for storage, since there wont be much storage space in the cabin itself. Daisuke is becoming a better carpenter day by day and it's fun coming up with ideas as we work on the cabin.


床と断熱材 Floor Insulation






Now that we have paper walls to keep the wind and rain out, we started work on the floor. Since we got a whole lot of insulation peices from the warehouse, our plan is to peice together all the random peices and make it into the floor. In order to do this, we had to put in the paper sheets we used for the walls under the wooden logs of the floor. This way, we made a bed-like place for all the little peices to rest on.

This was a long and detailed process, but a lot of fun to put together. It really was like doing a gigantic puzzle, and we were able to use peices of insulation of quality that we could otherwise not afford, for free! We were happy that we used up almost all of the insulation 'garbage' and more than anything, we are proud of our floor insulation that we consider a masterpeice, and its too bad that we are going to cover it up with the floor boards later.


防水シート Paper Tent




Please excuse the long break in posts. I have been busy with translation work (yes, unfortunately I am doing some work on the side) and I couldn't bear facing the computer longer than necessary.

So, while collecting materials, we stopped by a lumber store and purchased water and wind resistant paper sheets for a very reasonable price. We spent about 2 days wrapping the cabin with this paper. There is not much explaining to do with this process; just needs a tacker and cutter and lots of staples. It's a bit difficult to put on the sheets without making them all wobbly, so its best to do this process with at least 2 people.

If we were living on a tropical island or desert, our cabin will practically be livable with just these sheets. Its almost like a huge tent, and once the cabin was wrapped in paper, it was very comfortable inside. We look forward to having the floor in so we can take our naps inside our cabin :). 


廃材集め Usable Garbage



ありがとうタイソン! この時に他にも手伝ってくれたブラッド、ハナちゃん、麻衣子さん、本当にありがとう。またきてね!

After finishing the window frames, we spent a few days running around collecting usable materials that would otherwise be thrown away. First we went to the warehouse of Tres Homes, our contractor. This place is simple overflowing with hidden treasures. We got 2 outdoor doors and 2 indoor doors, wooden boards, insulation boards and glass wool, buckets, etc. We also went to a few constructions sites to get more wooden boards and insulation, and finally went to the storage place of the person who helped will do our roof, Mr. N's storage where we collected all kinds of stuff ranging from nails to paint to wood that we can later make into some killer furniture.

One necessity in collecting usable garbage treasure is a truck. We got a truck for a great deal (about $800) at a local dealer. It is a Honda and this kind of white mini truck is very common in Japan. Its small but very useful and easy and cheap to maintain. We don't have much experience with driving a manual so for the first few days, there was a lot of explosions and engine stalls, but our good friend Tyson, who helped us collect stuff, also gave us instructions on how to drive the manual (without making the passengers sick). Lots of thanks to Tyson, Maiko, Brad and Hana for coming up and helping. Hope you come again soon! 


窓枠 Window frames









Before talking windows, the first picture is a step I forgot to mention before. It's basically a big U shaped nail connects the beams and posts. Small steps like this help to make the frame nice and sturdy.

Next we worked on putting in the window frames. Because there are support beams every 45cm, for the areas that we will put in windows, we had to cut the middle of the posts so that the windows will fit. We also had cut into the beams on the side so that the slate of wood for the bottom and top of the window frame will snugly fit into the wall. We used a chisel for this process, which was a popular tool and we all fought for our turn to use it. 

The window frame took us about 3 days to finish, and before that, it was the carpenters last day with us. Before they went, we put up the beams for the porch, which I was able to catch few pictures of. This beams are super heavy, and we would never have been able to put up this house if it wasn't for the help of the carpenters. They also put up the bottom boards of the roof with unbelievable speed. Our very special thanks for Mr. F and his son for all their help. Mr. F is an exceptionally skilled carpenter and is Daisuke and my new hero. Not only was he very skillful, he did so much for us in the three days and really taught us a lot. We feel very lucky to have had the opportunity to work with him and his son and hope we can have some sake with them when we finish this cabin :)