
廃材集め Usable Garbage



ありがとうタイソン! この時に他にも手伝ってくれたブラッド、ハナちゃん、麻衣子さん、本当にありがとう。またきてね!

After finishing the window frames, we spent a few days running around collecting usable materials that would otherwise be thrown away. First we went to the warehouse of Tres Homes, our contractor. This place is simple overflowing with hidden treasures. We got 2 outdoor doors and 2 indoor doors, wooden boards, insulation boards and glass wool, buckets, etc. We also went to a few constructions sites to get more wooden boards and insulation, and finally went to the storage place of the person who helped will do our roof, Mr. N's storage where we collected all kinds of stuff ranging from nails to paint to wood that we can later make into some killer furniture.

One necessity in collecting usable garbage treasure is a truck. We got a truck for a great deal (about $800) at a local dealer. It is a Honda and this kind of white mini truck is very common in Japan. Its small but very useful and easy and cheap to maintain. We don't have much experience with driving a manual so for the first few days, there was a lot of explosions and engine stalls, but our good friend Tyson, who helped us collect stuff, also gave us instructions on how to drive the manual (without making the passengers sick). Lots of thanks to Tyson, Maiko, Brad and Hana for coming up and helping. Hope you come again soon! 

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