
床張り Floor


床材は結構前からTres Homesのあまりものを安く売ってもらって、家の隅っこで待機させてた。この床材はアメリカの大きいホームセンターで売っている、DIY向けの物で、パーケットと呼ばれている建材。








When we went window shopping for funiture one day, we ran into a sofa bed that was a great price with a nice design and bought it on the spot.
Although we scheduled the delivery date to be one month after we purchased it, that one month was about to pass, and we realized that we had better
get the living room floor done before it arrives, since it would be really hard to work around it later.

We had bought left over materials from Tres Homes for a cheap price some months ahead of time. It was floor material that is sold in Home Depot, and
is pretty DIY friendly. The tricky thing with this material, is that you are supposed to make the first line very straight so all the other peices fit in
nicely later. However, the individual peices are not exactly straight, so after a while, the lines start to get out of wack.

It was fine at first, but after a while we were trying to make the sides fit in, and if we put in one side, the other side came out, etc etc. Eventually,
we had to give up and just let some of the sections of the floor have a slight space between the peices. Hey, maybe when there is a lot of moisture
in the air, it will expand and fit perfectly... (wishful thinking).

We ran into a little trouble when we realized that there actually wasn't enough material to cover the whole living room floor. When we bought the
material, we miscalculated the amount (it was supposed to be more than enough), and we can't purchase anymore since it was imported from the US
probably a while ago. So, we layed the peices out and let the outer rims of the living room bare for now. We will have to think of something to cover it up
but that's just the price you pay when you use left over materials I guess.

With the help of glue and a floor nail gun we borrowed from our friend, and the helping hands of Daisuke's parents, we were able to get the floor done
in time before the sofa bed arrived. With the floor done, the inside of the cabin is beginning to look more and more like a living space instead of a
construction site. Now we have to be more careful that our feet are clean before we walk into the house!!

2 件のコメント:

  1. このコメントは投稿者によって削除されました。

  2. hey!!! this is amazing... even you had floor already! can't wait to see it myself...miss you guys... and good luck !!
