
お風呂天井 Bath Ceiling

今日はお風呂の天井の作業を紹介します。お風呂は木のお風呂にこだわった分、やっぱり壁も木がいいと思っていたら、なんとめっちゃクオリティーの高いRed Cedar(米杉、ヒノキ科)の廃材が屋根工事をしてくれたNさんが沢山くれた。これがまたすごーく香りがいいのです。




We couldn't do any construction work during the summer season, but now that the season is over we are back to hammering away the outer walls and putting in insulation. The season was fun with all the people (usually there is hardly anyone around). Lots of tennis and golf and swimming in the lake, but toward the end, Daisuke and I were pretty tired of play, and ready to get back to building.

One thing we finished recently is putting up the bathroom ceiling. We used Red Cedar pieces that Mr. N gave us that were left over and sitting in his warehouse. It has a great scent and is the strongest kind of wood you can find against moisture. Japanese wooden baths often use this type of wood, so the scent is very much like a Japanese traditional bath place, which is absolutely awesome.

We put up moisture prevention sheets and a natural moisture observer under the loft floor, and used the air-stapler we borrowed to nail in the little and random pieces of cedar wood. We put a little glue between the pieces to help it stay in place, but we mostly very carefully chose the pieces so that we hardly didn't cut any of the them to make it fit perfectly in the ceiling. The process was very quick (thanks to the air gun) and we couldn't be happier with the way it looks (and smells!)

2 件のコメント:

  1. 素敵な天井ができて良かったです。大変そうだけど、これからも頑張って!ブログの更新、楽しみにしてます。

  2. ありがとう!読んでくれる人がいるとやりがいがあります!
