The rainy season has supposedly passed and the summer weather and heat have arrived full on. It's super nice (and hot) during the day, but in the afternoons the thunder clouds develop and we often get pouring rain that washes away the gravel roads, making them worse and worse to drive on. But it's nice that the weather cools down in the afternoon and it's quite chilly at night so we can still snuggle in our blankets without sweating to death like in the cities.
What monsters muddy feet are these?!
そんなチャウの写真を撮りながら、ゆっくり散歩を楽しんでいたある午後、突然国際村の図書室がある建物の中から ”おい、お前ら、今なにしている?暇か?”と大きな声が・・・ 国際村に住む山男のおじ様たちが図書室の整理をしていた。
So one day as I was taking silly pictures of Chow during our walk, suddenly I hear a "Hey!! What are you guys doing? Are you busy??" We came across the NLA library and a couple of hard working members re-sorting all the books. We didn't have any reason not to, so we helped them out.
This picture was taken after we cleaned up. All the books were out of order and everything was covered in dust and mold, but we were able to put it all into pretty good shape. There is a long history of NLA that shows through these books. Books that has a price tag of just 60 cents, a guide to parenting written in the 1950s... It's hard to throw books away, they are like a token from the past and even if it seems like noone will read some of the books, it's not easy to get rid of books with such history.
Last week we had a couple of young friends who we travelled with come visit us. Originally, I had planned to use their young energy to help me pull weeds in the garden and clean the windows and such, but we were so busy having fun there was no time for work. During the day we helped a local jam-maker make jam, we swam in the lake and just was busy enjoying the outdoors. At night we cooked together and sang along to Daisuke ukulele.
Next Daisuke's grandmother and her sister came to visit so we took them to do more touristy stuff. We really haven't been to a lot of the touristy places so it was fun for us too. One place I really enjoyed was the Light Museum in Obuse. It displayed all the types of lighting tools used in the history of Japan. I always wondered what oil they burned in oil lamps back in the day, and I was able to learn a lot at the museum. Actually, they burned all kinds of oil. I guess if it is oil, it will burn, from vegetable oil to animal fat. They sold the old fashion wicks (a type of grass also used for tatami) so I bought some and tried making a oil lamp out of old olive oil and it was beautiful. The simplicity of it may be common sense, but to me it was a new and exciting experience to burn that simple light.
Tonight we are spending our usual quiet evenings
as Daisuke practices his ukulele and I draw some watercolor pictures (and write my blog).
With so many things we want to do
and so many people we want to spend time with,
I get a good feeling that it's going to be a nice summer.
Tonight we are spending our usual quiet evenings
as Daisuke practices his ukulele and I draw some watercolor pictures (and write my blog).
With so many things we want to do
and so many people we want to spend time with,
I get a good feeling that it's going to be a nice summer.
My personal All five Sensory faculties by means of Aliki – Very best way to motivate young children to work with detailed vocabulary, including the way materials and individuals to their publishing glance, odour, really feel, noise, as well as style. https://imgur.com/a/5teppRf https://imgur.com/a/1XAK7IH https://imgur.com/a/ICayAz0 https://imgur.com/a/zTq3RYf https://imgur.com/a/DwHwOOh https://imgur.com/a/Y4B5sCX https://imgur.com/a/O5ThICQ