
トイレ お風呂の準備 Bathroom Prep




Before we put in the toilet, we were advised to put in the floor of the bathroom (so we won't have to work around the toilet to do so) so we did that right away. We had left over wood from the wood we used in the loft, and also some other random floor wood we got from local carpenters. We were able to connect about 3 peices to make the length of the floor and ceiling, and after that, all it took was some glue and the staple gun to keep it in place in the floor. Since the bathroom is nice and small, we were able to get this done quite quickly.

We also finally opened a hole in the whiskey barrel to let the water out of it when we take a bath. The wood of the barrel is super thick and hard so we had a hard time opening the whole. It may not have been so hard if we had a decent hole saw, but we got a crappy one (the kind that you can change the sizes and is as flimsy as paper) since we didn't know better. This piece of s--- would break and had no power what so ever so it took a while to open the whole, but finally it was done and the wood smelled again of fresh whisky. Ohhh I just can't wait to take a bath in it!!!


ドア枠 (建具) 作り Door Frame



これが意外と面倒な作業。うちはちっさい家の癖に入り口が二箇所ある。片方の入り口 (勝手口?) の方はすんなり作れたんだけど、メインの方はそうは行かない。なぜかというと、メインのドアの横幅が、ドアが入るべく作ってある開口部 (柱と柱の間) よりも広いから。勝手口の方のように、通常であれば、ドアのサイズに合った枠を作って開口部に嵌めればいいんだけど、メインの方は開口部の内側アンド外側に、半分枠が浮き出た形で上手い具合に枠を嵌め込まなきゃならない。これを作るのには大分苦心しました。

ドアのチョウバン(ドアが開く時に支点となる方)が付く方は、開口部の内側に入れちゃうからそんなに大変でもない。まずヒノキのプレーナー材をドアの高さと枠の上下の部分を組み込む幅を足した長さに切ります。次に閉めた時にドアが当たる、戸当りを作るため、丸ノコを使って木材からドアの厚みの分 x ドアが当たる分を削り取ります。




4 辺が全部できたから組み合わせ準備 OK!と思ったら計算間違えてて上下の枠の長さが足りないという事実が発覚・・・ショックを受けつつも目立たないように木片を木工用ボンドで繋げて、なんとかごまかします。一辺ずつ開口部に嵌めて・・・

完成!作り終わっちゃうと、なんであんなに (2日間) も悩まされたのだろうと思うくらい目立たない存在になっちゃいました。


The weather is becoming cooler everyday, and the hints of autumn are all around. It was a while back, but Daisuke made the door frames for the house (although we aren't going to attach the doors yet, since it will just get in the way).

Supposedly, most doors come with the door frame as a set, but since we scavenged our doors at the Tres Homes warehouse and got them for free, there was no such convenience (as usual). Although our house is quite small, for some reason we had decided on having two doors. (I don't remember why now... why oh why... maybe it was to have easier access to the bathroom in case of emergencies..) Any, one of the doors was a normal size so we were able to make a frame that fit right between the beams no problem. The other door (to become our main entrance) is a beautiful green door that gave Daisuke many a headaches. The reason being is that it is too big to fit between the beams of the wall, so he had to make a frame that would stick out from the wall, and yet support the big (and heavy) door. Oh, the number of hours and days he spent staring at the door and wall and pondering how he will put the darned thing up. But, finally he got it done somehow, (I am not quite sure what he did, because I chose to stay out of this battle) and the frame is up and ready for the door!


雑用 Random Busy-ness







Daisuke and I have been keeping super busy lately. There is so much work to do, we hardly know where we should start and when it will ever end.
Alot of the work we have been doing lately is very tedious. I love our outer wall, but my god, it is taking so much time to do. We are still working on the forth and final wall.
The picture of the fourth wall is the above, and we are almost done with it, and I want to put up the final pictures of the finished walls soon... when it happens.
Having to cut the plywood boards, stain it, dry it, stain it again, then nail them into the walls... its all fun but really... never ending... But the great thing about doing this house project is that everyday we can see that we make progress, and compared to the work we used to do in offices, we can see the work becoming closer to the end product with every board we stain and every nail hammer.

Another big and tedious task we have been keeping busy with is drying the wood that we will use for the ceiling. This wood is pretty much the cheapest you can find in Japan, and part of the reason is because they basically chop the tree down, slice it up, and put it in the stores without drying them. So, they come pretty wet, and not exactly pretty. Plus, the wood we got was really rough, a little too rough, that we decided to borrow a electric sander from the carpenter who is lending us so much of his wonderful tools (and we thank him with a big bottle of sake each time :) ). So, the process of sanding down the wood, all 240peices of them, then laying them out to dry, and carrying them in and out of the house day after day (when sunny) has been keeping us quite busy and giving us a pretty good work out. Like many things, the price of the wood was cheap, but we payed for the difference with our labor.

The picture above shows how we covered the path leading to my parents cabin with all the sawdust that came out of the sanding, which I think looks kinda nice.

After the wood was dry, we stood them up inside and stained them. We chose a clear stain for the inside, since we wanted to keep the color of the wood. Daisuke and I stained at night after the sun went down, and we stained all 240 pieces. One by one by one by one...... We would usually start the night of staining with music from the iPod and us singing along, but after a while we would both fall silent and just stain stain stain as if we were in a trance. But like the other work, if we keep at it, eventually it ends, and now we are ready to put up those darned peices of wood into the ceiling!