
ブログ再開?~ A new start!

大介船長。Captain Daisuke.




It's been a while (again) since my last post, but it's really only days like today when it's stormy outside and Daisuke is in Tokyo, that I am motivated enough to write!
We returned to our cozy cabin last month after a quite eventful winter, which started with a month in Hawaii helping a friend build a house, visiting family in Nagoya, freezing our butts off in Okinawa and then finally from January to April, we went onboard the Peace Boat as volunteer interpreters for a trip around the world. I hope to post pictures and write more about our travels on this blog (perhaps on another rainy day). 







To be honest, I initially thought that since our cabin building is (mostly) complete, that I was quite finished with this blog as well. However, the house building was really just the first step of our goal to live a more sustainable life. Actually, our lifestyle and what we learn from now on about sustainable living is really what is more important. So, I have changed the title of the blog and have decided to re-start this blog with hopes that we can share what we learn, what we feel and what we enjoy in our everyday simple life.

While we were floating on the boat and travelling the world, Japan was hit by a tremendous disaster and in a sense has been forced to re-examine itself. The natural disaster and the man-made disaster of the nuclear power plant that followed has been a kind of wake-up call that things cannot go on the way they have. 
In this current age, I (of course) think that the key is to simplify. Even if people don't want to, a time may come when we have no choice but to. But simplifying life does not mean that life becomes inconvenient and lacking. Actually, I strongly believe that it becomes more fruitful while you come up with creative ways to change things and make everyday life meaningful. At least, this has been the case for me. 

I think that it's because I feel that we live in an overcomplicated world with too many problems to even begin to comprehend and resolve that I seek simplification. To really reexamine things and find what is most important. In my case, it is spending time with Daisuke and ChowChow and living a life that is not harmful to nature, which I cherish and love being near to. This is what is central to me and to achieve these things is not so complicated and difficult. All it requires is time and the right environment; not a lot of money and certainly not a lot of things. And by seeking these things and ridding myself of things I don't need, at least for now, I am living a pretty happy and fruitful daily life. I have a lot to be thankful for. 

I am not trying to be preachy, (although I kind of ended up so). What I want to say is that I'm hopeful. Hopeful that Japan and the world will change for the better, and that change begins with the small and simple changes we make in our lives. 

So, if you are sometimes bored enough to read my blatter on my blog, 
I hope you will enjoy it ;)
Lastly, I will just share some photos of what we have been up to since
coming back to Nagano.

Made jam, rhubarb and apple.
Hard to tell which is which!

Thanks to the help of our good
friends Mr. D and Eco, we were
able to get a nice pile of firewood.
We started our garden again, although the cold weather is not helping much!
